Created to recognize the bravery and dedication of the Conservation Area rangers, the fund will award prizes to the most outstanding rangers each year as well as providing support to family members of the rangers who, in the performance of their duties, lose their lives or are permanently disabled.

It owes its existence to Dr. Carlos Lopes Pereira, currently Director of Protection and Law Enforcement Services at the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC ), who after being awarded by Tusk International in 2019 with the “Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa” , decided to dedicate the financial prize of fifty thousand pounds to the constitution of a fund to support Mozambican rangers.

The management of this fund was entrusted to BIOFUND, which contributed matching funds of fifty thousand pounds, and then raised an additional donation of two million meticais from a local company, AVM Consultores. The fund therefore starts out with an initial capital corresponding to one 117,000 USD. This capital will be invested locally in a high-interest account, providing a perpetual annual return to be distributed in ranger prizes and support.