The Tany Meva Foundation works for the sustainable development of Madagascar through the financing of projects combining environmental protection and Community Development.

In 2019, Tany Meva further encouraged initiatives to improve living conditions and mitigate climate change in southern Madagascar, particularly in the Atsimo Andrefana, Androy, Anosy and Ihorombe regions.

A specific call for projects for the Grand Sud was launched earlier this year, in partnership with the GEF/UNDP and the NGO SAGE, as part of the project called “Landscape approach for the conservation and management of Madagascar’s threatened biodiversity, focusing on the dry and thorny forest landscape of the Atsimo Andrefana region.” (APAA).

72 core community organizations will be supported with approximately $643,000. These are mainly reforestation activities and income-generating activities such as goat farming and market gardening.
Atsimo Andrefana’s thorny and dry forest landscape covers an area of 2.4 million hectares and is classified as one of Madagascar’s most distinctive and fragile ecosystems. This landscape is subject to various pressures, including coal production, land clearing and illegal logging.

The APAA project has led to the creation of 3 community protected areas (CPAs), support for sustainable agriculture through the rural credit facility and the strengthening of field schools.