For the year 2020, the Foundation for Parks and Reserves of Côte d’Ivoire (FPRCI) has provided to the Ivorian Office of Parks and Reserves (OIPR) a grant of F CFA 1.245 billion (about $2.05M) for the financing of the National Parks of Taï, Comoé, Azagny and Mont-Sangbé. This brings the non-repayable grants provided by FPRCI to OIPR from 2014 to 2020 to a total amount of CFA F 5.895 billion ($9.74 million) for the management of the aforementioned National Parks through the windows open to the foundation.

The signing ceremony of the financing agreements for the 2020 financial year took place on 20 February 2020 in Abidjan Plateau at the Cabinet of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.

The objective of the foundation in the medium term, is to grant from the endowment fund, an annual grant of nearly CFA f 2 billion to the OIPR for the conservation of the network of protected areas in Ivory Coast
The national parks and reserves funded by FPRCI represent 86.52% of the total area of the Côte d’ivoire national parks and reserves network.

The Foundation for Parks and Reserves of Ivory Coast is an innovative and sustainable funding mechanism for Côte d’ivoire national parks and reserves.