On 17 October 2019, the FPRCI and the Ivorian Office of Parks and reserves signed a financing agreement for the establishment of the endowment fund window for the Banco national Park. The purpose of this agreement is to define the principles, conditions and modalities for the provision of the Banco National Park endowment fund.

This new window makes the number of windows in the foundation’s portfolio five.

The Banco National Park window will receive initial funding of US $300,000, obtained as part of the implementation of the Integrated Management of Protected Areas of Côte d’Ivoire project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and administered by UN Environment.

The medium-term objective of the FPRCI is to grant from the endowment fund an annual grant of nearly 2 billion CFA francs to the IOPR for the conservation of our network of protected areas, in addition to funding from the state of Côte d’Ivoire.

It is worth recalling that the national parks and reserves that receive funding from the foundation, represent 86.52% of the total area of the network of National Parks and Reserves of Côte d’ivoire.

The FPRCI remains an innovative and sustainable financing mechanism for the National Parks and Reserves of Côte d’Ivoire.