The Madagascar Biodiversity Foundation (FAPBM) is changing its funding procedures to make them more effective and efficient. Funding has so far been provided on the basis of the size and pressures of each protected area. After analysis, it was found that the management capacity of each manager is also a determining criterion on the results obtained from the funding. It will now also be taken into account by the foundation. 

Two tools have been developed by the foundation: 

1. A logical framework with the main lines of intervention of the FAPBM, to ensure the relevance of the activities supported by the foundation in relation to its objectives. 

This logical framework comprises four main areas of intervention: :  

  • conservation
  • Support for the local community and development
  • Sustainable funding mechanisms for protected areas and landscapes
  • Administrative management.

2. A dashboard designed to measure the impacts of funding on biodiversity and human well-being. 

These two points present a particular challenge for FAPBM, whose mission is to “contribute to sustainable human development through the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity through the mobilization of sustainable sources of funding for Madagascar’s Protected Areas System”.